How to Exorcise Ghosts in Christianity


Ghosts or demons are creatures that exist and are recognized by six religions in Indonesia. Lots of ghosts or demons whose existence disturbs humans. Therefore, the ghost is obliged to be exterminated so that no one is harmed anymore.

Exorcism of ghosts is often carried out by religious leaders because religion is a direct link to God. Meanwhile, the ghost is also a creature created by God and is in the hands of God. So of course the prayers or rituals offered to God will make it easier to expel the ghost

Some religions have unique ways to exorcise demons. One of them is in Christianity who exorcises ghosts based on verses in their Bible or performs several rituals based on Bible verses. It's just that most Christians sometimes don't have the courage or faith big enough to do that.

Exorcism of ghosts in Christianity is usually called exorcism is a spiritual practice that is usually carried out by priests to expel supernatural entities or jinns that are considered to disturb or damage human life.

Some of the verses used in Christianity to drive away ghosts, demons or demons are as follows:

1. Mark 1:34

“He healed many people who were suffering from various ailments and cast out many demons; He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him. Interestingly, the first to confess about the Messiah was Satan (Luke 4:41).

2. Mark 1:39

“Then he went into all of Galilee and preached in their synagogues and cast out demons.” (Mark 1:39)

3. Luke 4:41

“From the many people came demons shouting: “You are the Son of God. Then He strictly forbade them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that He was the Christ.” (Luke 4:41)

4. Luke 10:17

“Then the seventy disciples returned rejoicing and said, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us for your name's sake.” (Luke 10:17)

5. Mark 3:13-15

Then Jesus went up the hill. He calls those whom He wills and they come to Him. He appointed twelve men to accompany Him and to be sent to preach the Gospel. and gave him power to cast out demons” (Mark 3:13-15)

Apart from praying, it turns out that Christians also carry out several rituals that are carried out so that they can drive away ghosts or demons, including the following:

1. Pray

Always praying to God/Holy Spirit/Jesus to avoid various kinds of disturbance by ghosts or demons is a ritual that must be carried out in Christianity.

2. Fasting

Fasting is also believed by Christianity as a form of worship to get rid of or expel disturbances caused by ghosts or demons that are disturbing us.

3. Fellowship

Fellowship here is that the person who is being disturbed must always be around people who share the Christian faith so that they can jointly provide positive energy so that the ghost or devil feels uncomfortable so they leave and don't bother anymore.

4. Doing Positive Activities

 Always do positive activities so that our minds can be distracted from thinking about ghosts or demons which will result in demons not feeling comfortable in our bodies and leaving immediately.

Those are some things that are usually done by Christians in driving away disturbances caused by ghosts or demons. Thanks for reading.

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