Collection of Popular Pocong Ghost Stories in Indonesia


Pocong is one of the ghosts that is often told in Indonesia. Pocong has always been an icon of concern in Indonesia because overseas the pocong ghost has never been found. This includes Saudi Arabia, which also has the largest number of adherents of Islam, such as Indonesia. This ghost is not found. Even though people who die in Islam, both in Arabia and in Indonesia, are both wrapped in shrouds.

The history of pocong begins when someone forgets to remove the shroud (pocong rope) from a dead Muslim. This is what triggers the spirit of the pocong to wander and haunt people who are still alive. Pocong will always ask everyone to open his pocong rope so he can live peacefully in the natural world.

People who see pocong describe what they see differently. sometimes he sees pocong whose face is clean and white, there are those who find pocong with a scary face full of wounds and maggots on his face. There are also those who find pocong with flat expressions, there are also those who cry or laugh.

In Indonesian tradition, pocong is associated with death and funeral rituals. There is a belief that someone who dies must be buried properly and with the correct rituals so that his spirit can move to another world in peace. If the burial is not carried out properly, the corpse's spirit can become a pocong and roam the world.

Even so, pocong often appears in horror stories in Indonesia and is one of the most famous legendary figures in Indonesia. Some people also believe that they can meet pocong in cemeteries at night or in certain places that are considered haunted.

Popular Stories About Pocong in Indonesia

1. Pocong Sumi

Sumi is a very famous pocong girl who lives in an old house in Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Told long ago the house is a house that has a batik business. Sumi lives with her husband in the house. One day Sumi's husband goes on a business trip and Sumi lives alone in the house.

It turned out that there were three robbers who had been stalking the house for a long time. They took advantage of the moment the house was quiet and in the end there was a robbery and rape of Sumi. Not only was she raped, Sumini was also brutally killed by strangling her neck to death.

Since this tragic incident, many eyewitnesses have said that they often see female pocong apparitions in that place. The astral creature is said to have the face of an ancient Javanese and is always associated with the Sumi case.

Because of how viral Sumi's pocong house is, there are lots of mystery YouTubers who come to the house to interact directly with the pocong figure.

2. Pocong Lonthong Bridge Resident, Borobudur District, Magelang

Another fairly popular story is the story of a pocong who occupies a village bridge in the village of Kebonsari, Magelang District. The bridge has long been known to be haunted and many people have seen apparitions there.

Pocong on the bridge is nicknamed Lonthong and often shows his form to the surrounding community.

One of the YouTube channels that has covered it is the Suropati Channel which tries to mediate with the pocong through a possessed intermediary.

One of Lonthong's pocong confessions is that he easily possesses people if the person feels great fear.

"If we are not afraid of the pocong, it will be difficult for him to possess us." Said Hendra Ardianto, one of the presenters on the Suropati Channel.

3. Pocong Ningrum

One of the stories that went viral was the story of pocong Ningrum in Malang. This Pocong occupies a house that often shows its form to people. Unfortunately, by storytellers, the house of this pocong is kept a secret.

It is said that Ningrum is a woman in the village who was raped by someone. This was also complained to village leaders. Surprisingly, the perpetrators of the rape were not brought to justice, but instead, Ningrum was punished by the shackles.

Finally ningrum stress and died. Since then, pocong Ningrum has often haunted the villagers. Lots of people who went there reported seeing the appearance of the pocong who was suspected of being ningrum.

Those are some of the popular pocong ghost stories in Indonesia that until now it is reported that many people have seen their apparitions. Whether to believe it or not is each other's business. Thanks for reading.

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