5 Popular Ghost in Thailand


Thailand is one of the countries in Southeast Asia which is famous for its beauty. Behind its beauty, Thailand is known for various stories and legends about ghosts which are very interesting and scary. There are many types of ghosts in Thailand, originating from different cultures and traditions.

This ghost story is said to have existed in Indonesia for hundreds of years and has been passed down from generation to generation in this white elephant country.

Some Thai ghosts have good qualities but there are also many evil Thai ghosts. These ghost stories have even been adapted to the big screen so that they are becoming known by the world.

then what are the popular ghost lists that come from Thailand. Here is a list and a full explanation of the ghosts:

Thailand is one of the countries in Southeast Asia which is famous for its beauty. Behind its beauty, Thailand is known for various stories and legends about ghosts which are very interesting and scary. There are many types of ghosts in Thailand, originating from different cultures and traditions.

This ghost story is said to have existed in Indonesia for hundreds of years and has been passed down from generation to generation in this white elephant country.

Some Thai ghosts have good qualities but there are also many evil Thai ghosts. These ghost stories have even been adapted to the big screen so that they are becoming known by the world.

then what are the popular ghost lists that come from Thailand. Here is a list and a full explanation of the ghosts:

1. Krasue

Ghost Krasue or also called Phi Krasue is a legendary creature in Thai mythology that has a shape like a floating human head and is accompanied by intestines dangling from the neck down.

According to legend, the Krasue was a beautiful woman who practiced black magic or magic to gain beauty and wealth. However, in exchange, he had to sacrifice his life by removing his head and leaving his body below. The Krasue's head would turn into a hideous creature during the night and seek human blood to feed on.

Krasue is often associated with abandoned or neglected places, such as forests, lakes or cemeteries. Some legends also say that the Krasue only attacks certain people, especially those who are sick or weak.

Although it sounds scary, Krasue actually often appears in popular stories and Thai horror films. Many people in Thailand even believe that the Krasue is not just a myth, but actually exists. However, like most other legendary creatures, the Krasue's existence cannot be scientifically confirmed.

Krasue is a pretty bad ghost. Krasue terban to find food at night in the form of flesh and blood. Usually Krasue looking for pregnant women or small babies to eat. If you don't find it, the krasue will eat animals. Krasue is also often called the head ghost.

2. Mae Nak


Mae Nak Phra Khanong or also known as the Mae Nak Ghost is a legendary ghost in Thai culture. According to folklore, Mae Nak is a woman who died in childbirth, but she still feels a strong love for her husband, Mak. After his death, Mae Nak turned into a ghost and continued to care for her husband, even after Mak learned that his wife had died.

In various stories, Mae Nak is often described as a very powerful and dangerous ghost, who has the power to control living and inanimate beings. He frequently appears in dreams and visions of Mak, who begins to realize that his wife is dead and tries to escape the ghost. However, Mae Nak continues to chase her husband and kill anyone who gets in their way.

Mae Nak's Ghost Stories have become popular throughout Thailand and serve as the inspiration for many films and dramas. Mae Nak's residence at Phra Khanong is also a place of pilgrimage for people seeking refuge or praying for their family's happiness. Some even believe that Mae Nak will help them in trouble and give them good luck.

Although many believe in the story of the Mae Nak Ghost, its existence cannot be scientifically confirmed and is still considered a folklore or legend. However, the story continues to be a part of Thai popular culture and is one of the most famous ghost stories in Southeast Asia.

Mae Nak in one of the films is also told as a good ghost. i.e. he once protected a couple of lovers who wanted to be disturbed by others.

3. Pret

Pret ghosts or also known as Phi Pret in Thai culture, are spirits that are believed to originate from the spirits of people who died in a tragic way, were not honored at funerals, or did not receive a proper funeral ceremony.

Prets are believed to have a sinister appearance, with emaciated bodies and blackish skin clinging to their bones. They are often associated with deserted and neglected places such as cemeteries, empty houses, or remote areas of the forest.

In Thai culture, Pret is believed to be able to attack humans and eat human food. Therefore, Thai people believe that feeding Pret with food and drink can help calm their anger and avoid attacks from these spirits.

Apart from feeding the Pret, Thai people also perform proper funeral rites and honor the deceased as a way of avoiding the possibility of Pret's ghost occurring. This shows how important funeral rites and honors are in Thai culture.

Overall, belief in the Pret ghost is still quite strong in Thailand and is considered a part of the cultural heritage that needs to be respected and preserved.

Another story states that Pret is the reincarnation of an ungrateful materialistic person. The height of this ghost can reach as high as a palm tree and has a very greedy nature.

4. Nang Tani

The ghost of Nang Tani is a spirit that Thai people believe comes from a local legend. That said, Nang Tani is the guardian spirit of a large banana tree that grows around the area of ​​Buddhist temples in Thailand. Nang Tani is believed to be the guardian spirit and guardian of the banana tree, and is considered a symbol of goodness and purity.

According to legend, Nang Tani usually appears as a beautiful woman with long hair and dressed in traditional Thai clothes. He looks like an ordinary human, except at a certain moment, when he emerges from inside the banana tree, he looks white and has a strange voice.

Thai people believe that if someone damages or destroys the banana tree where Nang Tani lives, then they will experience bad luck and disaster in their life. Therefore, banana trees are considered sacred and respected, and people are expected to take good care of and care for the trees.

Although Nang Tani is considered a good spirit and healer, there are also those who say that if someone dares to disturb his house or cut down the tree where he lives, then he will show his fierce nature and can harm humans.

Another story says that Nang Tani is not occupying a banana tree but occupying a banyan tree. Which story is true has many versions, it is clear that this ghost is very popular in Thailand.

5. Kong Koi

The last ghost is a quite scary ghost known as Kongkoi. This ghost has the physical characteristics of one eye and one leg. Some say he is the guardian of a river or lake. There are also those who say that he is a forest.

It is said that he has a strong desire to suck human blood from his toes. This is often reported by people who go camping near a forest or lake where their feet feel something sucking

It was also told how to avoid blood sucking is by crossing your legs when you want to sleep if you go camping or camping.

Those are some popular ghosts in Thailand. The ghosts above are urban legends that are very famous in Thailand, some believe in them and some don't. What is clear is that we must always pray to God to be protected from supernatural beings. thanks for reading

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